David Alaba defies the typical footballer look. David Alaba features in the luxurious fashion collection of Numéro Netherlands brand

David Alaba plays professional football and is thought to be one of the best defenders of his age by many. He has played for two of the biggest teams in the world. He spent most of his career at Bayern Munich before moving to Real Madrid in 2021, which is probably the biggest club in the world.

David is known for more than just his football skills these days. He is also known for his great style. A lot of his time is spent on fashion, and he doesn’t look at all like a normal football player.

David, right now you’re one of the best football players in the world. How did your love of sports start? What about it gets you the most excited?

So far, this journey has been amazing, and I’m thankful for it. When I was 10, I told my first club that I wаnted to play football. From the start, I knew how much I loved this sport, and I had a dream that I was determined to make come true. This dream of mine has never changed, and I’m so grateful for everything that has happened in my role so far.

How do you remember your favorite football moment?

That is a tough question. I’ve had a lot of great times at work so far. The three Champions League wins stand out to me. Those times were really special. But also my first game for Bayern, my first game for my country, and my new journey with Real Madrid. For me, the whole trip has been the best part. I’ve reached a lot of goals and won a lot of titles.

Could you tell us about where you came from? How was it to grow up in a home with people from different backgrounds?

My mom is from Davao in the Philippines. She moved to Austria and met my dad, who had also moved there from Nigeria. I was born in Vienna, but my childhood felt like it took place all over the world. A lot of my mom’s family lives in Vienna too, so I spent a lot of time with my aunts and cousins when I was young. I liked it. 

You’ve become a fashion icon in the past year, and you definitely don’t look like a normal football player. What is it about dress that interests you so much?

A big part of who I am is my style and clothes. I think I became interested in fashion pretty early on because my parents were very picky about how I looked whenever I left the house. My style is a way for me to show who I am and a way for me to express myself. Having music in my life has also helped, since the two go together. Drawing from that society has definitely changed the way I dress. It’s great to see Pharrell at LV because it shows how the two worlds come together. 

How did you become interested in fashion?

It’s been a while since we went to Milan Fashion Week to see some shows. After that, I became more and more interested in fashion. It helps to know more about the fashion world, the shows, the designers, and the names. The manager I work with and I always send each other ideas about cool things we’ve seen or designers who are doing cool things right now. 

What are the clothes that you wear over and over again that make your style unique?

It changes a lot for me, so I don’t always have one piece. And I think my style shows that too. My life has been through many changes. It’s hard for me to choose just one piece because the way I dress now is much more calm and educated than it was eight or ten years ago.