Things you may not know about Yaron Varsano – husband of ‘Wonder Woman’ Gal Gadot

Portrait of husband “Wonder Woman” – After 11 years, the millionaire still loves his wife like the day he first met!

Israeli millionaire

Yaron Varsano (also spelled Yaron Versano) is an Israeli real estate developer. He was born in 1975 in the city of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Yaron attended the International School of Amsterdam and graduated from the New York Institute of Technology in 2000. He and his wife Gal Gadot now live in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv when they are not in Hollywood.

Although it is unclear how much Yaron’s assets are worth, he is certainly a millionaire. Because Yaron and his younger brother Guy once sold their hotel in Tel Aviv to a Russian billionaire – Roman Abramovich – for 26 million USD (590 billion VND).

Loving love for a decade

In real life, Yaron Varsano is “Steve Trevor” of “Wonder Woman” Gal Gadot. They have been together for 11 years and Yaron still looks at his wife with the same eyes as when they first met.

Last year, Yaron shared on Facebook: “10 years have passed, but it still feels like we just met yesterday… The beat of my heart will always blend with the sound of our love” .

Gal Gadot happily said about her husband: “He’s 10 years older than me. Right from the second date, he said he was serious about this relationship, and wouldn’t wait more than 2 years to propose to me. Fast forward 2 years, he actually proposed. We got married in 2008”.

The couple first met

Yaron Varsano proposed to Gal Gadot “in a special way”

In 2016, when Gal Gadot was present at a jewelry company’s event in Los Angeles, reporters from The Hollywood Reporter asked the stars about their most cherished jewelry-related memories.

Gal replied: “The most meaningful moment for me was when I put on my wedding ring for the first time.” The actress said that Yaron proposed to her “in a very special way”, but refused to reveal details about this private memory.

They had two children

Gal Gadot and her husband have two daughters together: Alma (5 years old) and Maya (3 months old). She once shared a photo of when she first welcomed her second girl, with the caption: “And then we had 4 people… She was born, Maya. I feel so complete, so blessed and grateful for the miracles in my life”.

Gal Gadot also shared an interesting story about her eldest daughter’s innocence when she came to the Wonder Woman set: “She visited me many times on set, and one time I was wearing a Wonder Woman costume. So he asked me: ‘Mom, if you wear a crown, does that mean you are the queen and I am the princess?’. I replied: ‘Well, I’m just playing dress up, this is the costume’.

Gal said, her daughter likes princesses, but does not admire these girls: “One time, I read a story to her. She said: ‘The prince is always brave and strong’. And I asked her: ‘What do you think about the princess?’, she said: ‘Boring… They always sleep soundly and the prince has to come and wake them up. They didn’t do anything'”.

When asked if her child knows that her mother is Wonder Woman, Gal said: “She is very proud. But I don’t think he fully understands that concept”.

Gal said, when going to the park, Alma often bragged to other parents: “My mother is Wonder Woman!”. The other mothers all looked at Gal with strange eyes, so she had to say to her child: “You know what? All mothers are Wonder Woman”.

Gal also added an interesting thing: on Halloween, her daughter likes to dress up as a unicorn rather than Wonder Woman.

Yaron is always proud of his wife and supports her in her career

Yaron Varsano was extremely proud when his wife received the role of Wonder Woman. He shared the movie poster image on Facebook with a short caption: “Proud”.

But to get to where she is today, Gal Gadot relied a lot on her husband’s encouragement. The actress once expressed that she failed many times after auditions, to the point of getting discouraged. Gal told her husband: “Yaron, I just want to give up”, but thanks to her husband’s encouragement, Gal persevered and received her breakthrough role as Wonder Woman.

The beauty shared more about her husband’s support: “When Alma was 2 years old, I was very worried about having to move with a baby, taking it from one country to another, all kinds of different languages. My husband is the one who advises: ‘Gal, think about the exemplary image you want to become. If you want to show Alma that she can follow her dreams, then you should do the same and we’ll find a way to work out the move.

“You are me and I am you”