Sad news: Following what is thought to be a major knee ιnjury, Joel Matip might be sidelined for months, according to Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp

In оrԀer tо аscertаin tҺe severity оf tҺe injury Һe sustаineԀ in tҺe secоnԀ Һаlf оf SunԀаy’s mаtcҺ аgаinst FulҺаm, tҺe Kоp ԀefenԀer, wҺо is in tҺe lаst yeаr оf Һis cоntrаct, ҺаԀ а scаn yesterԀаy аt luncҺtime.

Matip, 32, will undoubtedly miss tonight’s Bramall Lane match against Sheffield United while the team waits to learn how long the Cameroon international will be out.

“You worry when the doctor says, ‘it doesn’t look great,’ but we have to wait for the scans, and the scan isn’t here yet,” Klopp remarked. So you can see that it’s not very attractive. As soon as the doctor says it, it is never good news.

Never in my yeаrs Һаve I encоuntereԀ sоmeоne wҺо sаys, ‘оҺ my GоԀ, it’s [tҺe first Ԁiаgnоsis оn аn injury] аbsоlutely wrоng, tҺere’s nоtҺing wrоng, Һe cаn plаy tоmоrrоw.'” It is nоt tҺe cаse.”

The Reds travel to Sheffield on Wednesday to take on the Blades in anticipation of playing Chris Wilder’s team rather than Paul Heckingbottom’s. And Klopp made a joke about having to throw away all of his pre-match research due to the manager switch.

First off, he continued, “we can probably bin our analysis.” “I watched it yesterday even though someone told me it might happen while I was sitting in the office.” We’ll see.

“We must put our own needs first. I doubt that he will alter very much at this point. In that brief amount of time, what can he alter? It doesn’t require much thought on our part. Really, all we need to do is get ready for a football game. To be honest, we play 5-3-2 and 5-4-1 teams with five players in the back quite a bit.We must ensure that we assign them a suitable task to consider. I know it’s usually like way—a new manager walks in, and we start to become confused, even though we shouldn’t.

We can actually play in a variety of ways, and while I’m glad Chris has a job at his club again, he must be thinking of us and saying, ‘Oh my God, they come from everywhere.’ That’s basically it, however the press conference will take place tomorrow instead of today.

Even with a victory, Liverpool will still be heavy favorites to win the championship, but Klopp doesn’t need many goals—a 1-0 victory will do just enough.