What Could Possibly Drive Cristiano Ronaldo’s Mom Dislike for Georgina Rodriguez?

In addition to being one of the greatest soccer players of all time, Cristiano Ronaldo is a devoted family man who has five children. He resides with his mother Dolores Aveiro and girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez, and as it happens, their relationship isn’t always ideal.

Why Ronaldo prefers to live with his mother?

Cristiano Ronaldo adores and respects his mother, Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro, to the core of his being. He witnessed firsthand the devotion and sacrifices she made to raise him, and he will never forget the value of their bond.

Ronaldo elaborated on his choice by stating that his mother gave her life to raise him. “She fed me before going to bed hungry. We were cash-strapped. She worked seven days a week and cleaned houses at night so she could afford to get me a set of [soccer] boots so I could use them.

Ronaldo is very proud of his mother and attributes his achievement to her sacrifices and support. In response to a question concerning their relationship, he said that she is the reason behind all of his accomplishments.He intends to continue giving her everything he can.

Dolores and Georgina don’t get along well.

It was revealed recently that Ronaldo’s mother and his fiancée are not on good terms. This was discussed on the Portuguese television program Em Família. António Bravo, a guest, talked about the tense dynamic between Aveiro and Rodriguez.

Bravo hinted that Ronaldo’s mother might have this problem frequently with his girlfriends. He believes that in order to make her son happy, she ought to relax a little.

It could be a quarrel because of a family painting.

Marechal Aurore/ABACA/Abaca/East News, Amr Nabil/Associated Press/East News       

Rumors circulated that Ronaldo’s mother was involved in his separation with Irina Shayk. It was said that Shayk’s absence from Aveiro’s 60th birthday was the reason behind their breakup.

Portuguese journalist Adriano Silva Martins provided some information regarding the reasons behind the conflict between Ronaldo’s mother and girlfriend. When Rodriguez removed a treasured picture from their house while renovations were being done, it all began. It appeared that there was constant conflict between Ronaldo’s mother and him after she became furious over it.

Martins stated that they don’t appear to get along and don’t have a good relationship.

Dolores could feel that Georgina wanted to replace her.

There used to be a big painting in the quaint living room over the fireplace that showed Cristiano Ronaldo and his mother. It was a lovely reminder of their strong relationship and special times spent together. But when Ronaldo’s girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez moved in, things started to shift dramatically.

Dolores Aveiro was shocked to learn that the unique painting of her and Cristiano had been removed and placed in the garage. Georgina had replaced it with a fresh painting of herself.

Dolores believed that Georgina’s portrait had taken the place of the original picture in a way that went beyond simple decoration. It struck a chord with her, leaving her with the impression that Georgina might be trying to assert herself or even replace her in the family dynamic. The symbolic meaning of the modification seemed to indicate a change in the dynamics of the household, with Dolores sensing Georgiana’s perceived supremacy.

Every family faces different difficulties and issues. It is an inherent feature of family relations. But what sets healthy families apart is their openness to confronting and talking about these problems.For families to resolve disputes and build stronger bonds, communication is essential.