The greatest female tennis player in African Serena Williams history continues to inspire women even after retiring

Following her groundbreaking achievements as a Black female tennis player, who many consider to be the greatest of all time, Serena Williams remains an influential figure, inspiring both women and the fashion industry even after retiring.

Power Players: Serena Williams

Her ventures include Serena Ventures, focusing on investing in underrepresented founders, Will Perform, which develops products for relief and muscle care, and the multimedia firm Nine Two Six Productions.

Serena Williams, widely regarded as the most exceptional female tennis player ever – and perhaps one of the greatest athletes in history – has undeniably revolutionized women’s tennis since the 1990s. With an impressive 23 grand slam titles under her belt, she and her sister Venus reshaped a predominantly white tennis landscape. Following her retirement from professional tennis in September 2022, Serena’s influential legacy in sports and culture remains dynamic, evolving alongside her. Here’s a glimpse into her post-tennis life.

In June 2023, Forbes disclosed that at the age of 42, Williams had an approximate net worth of $290 million, noting that she had earned nearly $95 million in prize money throughout her tennis career. Subsequently, her net worth has surged by an estimated $10 million, surpassing the $300 million milestone, as reported by Celebrity Net Worth and other sources.