TJ Friedl DAD & Lion ManšŸ¦: The day his son turned 1 year old, TJ Friedl told himself to try hard on the field to bring pride to his son

On the day that his son turned one year old, TJ Friedl made a personal commitment to himself. He vowed to give his all on the field, striving to bring a sense of pride and accomplishment to his beloved child.

As a dedicated father, Friedl understands the profound impact he can have on his son’s life. With every swing of the bat, every catch in the outfield, he carries the weight of his child’s admiration and love. The desire to be a positive role model and source of inspiration for his son fuels his determination and work ethic.

Friedl embraces the responsibility of fatherhood and uses it as a driving force in his career. The pursuit of success on the field becomes intertwined with his desire to create a better future for his child. He embraces the role of a “Lion Man,” symbolizing strength, courage, and unwavering determination.

By channeling his energy into his passion for baseball, Friedl strives to instill a sense of pride in his son. He understands that his actions on and off the field will shape the values and aspirations of the next generation. Through his hard work and dedication, he hopes to inspire his child to dream big and pursue their own goals, knowing that their father is always there to support and guide them.

TJ Friedl’s commitment to his son serves as a reminder of the profound influence that parenthood can have on an individual’s drive and motivation. With each game, he carries the love for his child in his heart, propelling him towards greatness both as a player and as a father.





