How Trump’s phone book was a who’s who of the rich, glamorous, and very useful: The full list of contacts he could use at any time… from sport stars Serena Williams

A recent court presentation unveiled a contact roster from the Trump Organization, shedding light on Donald Trump’s social circles, comprising prominent figures across sports, media, and business.

Among them are renowned NFL quarterback Tom Brady and his Super Bowl-winning coach Bill Belichick, reflecting Trump’s ties to the football world.

Donald Trump pictured with Serena Williams in 2015 when she hit the first serve at the grand opening of the Tennis Performance Center at the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia

Additionally, notable news anchors from both MSNBC and Fox News, including Bret Baier and Sean Hannity, are listed, showcasing Trump’s penchant for engaging with the media through their primetime broadcasts.

The list also features media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, alongside celebrated athletes such as Serena Williams and Jack Nicklaus, illustrating Trump’s connections across various domains.

Furthermore, the roster includes unexpected nods to Trump’s past associations as a New York liberal.

People Exhibit 69b offered a glimpse inside the Trump Rolodex, with everyone from media mogul Rupert Murdoch to sports stars such as Tom Brady, Bill Belichick and Jack Nicklaus

The list notably includes MSNBC Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, likely compiled before Trump’s derogatory remarks about Brzezinski. Trump had infamously referred to her as ‘low I.Q. Crazy Mika’ and claimed she had undergone a facelift, remarks made during a party at his Mar-a-Lago estate.

This extensive list, resembling a Rolodex, was presented in Manhattan criminal court last Friday as part of prosecutors’ efforts to establish Trump’s alleged falsification of business records to conceal a payment to Stormy Daniels, a porn star. Trump refutes the 34 charges of business fraud against him.

While the case may revolve around financial documents like invoices and checks, the surrounding revelations offer glimpses into Trump’s life amidst a tabloid frenzy. Testimonies, such as that of David Pecker, former National Enquirer publisher, reveal the magazine’s role in shielding Trump from unfavorable stories during the 2016 campaign.

Pecker’s testimony provides a vivid narrative of tabloid culture’s heyday and its intertwining with checkbook journalism.

Last week, Trump’s longtime assistant Rhona Graff testified, with the notable detail that she once spotted Daniels in the reception area of Trump Tower. Graff’s testimony also sheds light on Trump’s contact list, revealing the celebrity connections that contributed to his ascent in the public eye.

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch with Trump at the Trump International Golf Links in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 2016. Murdoch's contact details were in a file show in New York court on Friday

Tom Brady has explained away his relationship with Trump, saying he was excited to play golf at his private club but that he had not spoken to him in many years

Last month, golfing great Jack Nicklaus presented Trump with the 2024 Trump International Golf Club's Most Improved Player award, in West Palm Beach, Florida