DAD’S GETAWAY: Dane Dunning and his close friends enjoy a weekend golfing at a luxurious resort on the island of Hawaii

Dane Dunning and his close friends recently indulged in a well-deserved weekend retreat, choosing to spend their time golfing at a luxurious resort on the picturesque island of Hawaii. This getaway was not just about the sport; it was a perfect blend of relaxation, camaraderie, and the serene beauty that Hawaii offers.

The group, all of whom are fathers, relished the opportunity to escape their busy lives and responsibilities, reconnecting with nature and each other.

The resort, known for its opulent amenities and breathtaking views, provided an ideal backdrop for their retreat. Each morning began with a refreshing round of golf on the resort’s meticulously maintained courses, where the lush greenery and scenic ocean views created a tranquil and invigorating atmosphere.

As they played, laughter and friendly competition filled the air, with each swing of the club further solidifying their bonds of friendship. The camaraderie among the group was palpable, as they shared stories, jokes, and moments of reflection amidst the beautiful Hawaiian landscape. The weekend was as much about rekindling old friendships as it was about enjoying the sport they all love.

Sân Golf An Thới, Phú Quốc - SunHome

Off the course, the resort offered a plethora of luxurious amenities. The group took full advantage of the spa services, gourmet dining experiences, and relaxing by the infinity pools overlooking the ocean. The evenings were spent savoring exquisite meals prepared by renowned chefs, with fresh local ingredients that highlighted the flavors of the island. As the sun set, they would gather by the beach, enjoying the serene sounds of the waves and the stunning sunset views that Hawaii is famous for.