Rick Ross understands that his son has a passion for exploring the ocean and dreams of becoming a ‘sealogist,’ so he rents a submarine for $650K per hour to support his aspirations

Rick Ross is deeply aware of his son’s passion for ocean exploration and his dream of becoming a ‘sealogist,’ a term that reflects his ambition to study and explore marine environments. To support and nurture this aspiration, Rick Ross has taken an extraordinary step: he has rented a state-of-the-art submarine at a staggering rate of $650,000 per hour.

This generous gesture highlights Rick Ross’s commitment to his son’s dreams and his willingness to invest significantly in providing him with the tools and experiences necessary to achieve them.

The submarine rental offers his son a unique opportunity to delve into the depths of the ocean, explore marine life up close, and gain hands-on experience in the field of marine science.

By facilitating this remarkable experience, Rick Ross not only supports his son’s career ambitions but also fosters his curiosity and passion for the natural world.

The decision to rent such a high-end piece of equipment underscores his dedication to providing his son with the best possible resources to pursue his goals and turn his dream of becoming a ‘sealogist’ into a reality.