Corey Seager, the celebrated baseball star, recently opened up about the joy he and his wife have found in raising their two beloved dogs, whom they affectionately refer to as their “twins.” Since welcoming the pups into their lives as tiny puppies, the Seagers have built countless memories filled with love, laughter, and companionship.
The two dogs have become an integral part of their family, growing alongside Corey and his wife through all the milestones of their journey together.
In honor of the dogs’ upcoming 5th birthday, Corey revealed plans for a very special Christmas gift to mark the occasion.
While the details of the present remain a surprise, he hinted that it would be a heartfelt gesture to show just how much their furry companions mean to them.
“They’ve been with us through everything,” Corey shared. “We couldn’t imagine life without them. They bring so much happiness and energy to our home, so we wanted to make this birthday extra special for them.”
Over the years, Corey and his wife have embraced their roles as dog parents with enthusiasm, from spoiling their pups with treats and toys to including them in holiday traditions. Their Instagram posts often feature the pair of dogs enjoying adventures, snuggling during quiet evenings, or playfully stealing the spotlight in family photos.
For the Seagers, the dogs are more than just pets—they’re family.